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Recreation Aviation Australia

Recreational Pilot Certificate


Learning to fly through RAAus utilizing ultralight aircraft is the simplest and cheapest way to begin flight training that Peace Aviation offers.  The best source of information relating to RAAus is found directly through their website


Getting Started


One of the requirements for training through RAAus is to become a financial member.  This is currently an annual fee processed directly through the RAAus website and the full list of benefits are listed there.  To minimize the cost for people interested in learning to fly however, a free 30 day membership is offered.  This allows potential students to not only undertake a Trial Instructional Flight, but as many as three training flights before committing to the annual membership.


Peace Aviation currently offers Trial Instructional Flights at $150 inc GST.  Before a Trial Flight your instructor will give a small briefing covering the controls of the aircraft and walk you through the daily pre-flight inspection of the aircraft.  Following that you will go for a short fly over Rockhampton city where you can not only have the hands on experience of flying a small aircraft, but your instructor will also cover some of the initial concepts taught in training such as balance and trim.


Not only is a Trial Introductory Flight a great way to experience flight in a small aircraft, but it’s also a great opportunity to meet the instructors, see the facilities and aircraft, and ask any questions you might have.


Pilot Certificate


Achieving a Pilot Certificate is the first goal of initial training.  A minimum of 20 hours of flight training is required to achieve this, though more often than not, students have closer to 25 hours as training is competency based.  Within this training, student pilots will learn basic skills such as flying straight and level, turning the aircraft, and stall recovery, right through to advanced skills such as steep turns and landing in an emergency.


A Pilot Certificate entitles the holder to fly within 25NM from the home aerodrome.  There are some potential restrictions regarding controlled airspace and medicals, though one of our instructors would be more than happy to discuss any specific questions you might have.


Advanced Training


There are a number of ways that a student can build on a Pilot Certificate through adding Endorsements.  The most common are the Cross Country Endorsement and the Passenger Endorsement.  The full list of possible Endorsements can be found on the RAAus website.


For Existing Pilots with a Pilot Certificate, Peace Aviation is able to conduct refreshment courses or Flight Reviews which are a bi-annual requirement.  Also, because Peace Aviation’s primary platform for flight training is through General Aviation, we are in the perfect position to help people interested in converting to either a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL).


As far as RAAus training is concerned, Peace Aviation trains exclusively with 3-axis powered aircraft.  If your interest lies in weight shift Trikes, we would be more than happy to recommend a local and professional alternative.

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